

I wonder about the conversations between Adam and Eve. Adam didn’t exactly come home after a long day and tell Eve all about the petty little aggressions at work. Eve didn’t meet Adam at the garden’s gate with stories of how the kids got on her nerves; she conceived her first child after they left their starter home.

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Defying medical theories and scientific predictions, my father made it to his 80th birthday. His body reached a perfect trifecta of failure – heart, kidneys and lungs hung on by a delicate balance of medications and dialysis. One of his legs was numb for years, his spine was curved, one eye perpetually drooped from the Bell’s palsy he contracted 20 or more years before. He shrunk so much that when he held himself upright in the rectangular space inside his walker, he and I stood eye to eye. He never exercised or played sports, had been overweight for decades, ate a diet high in animal fats and carbohydrates. On the plus side, he never smoked nor drank, never drove recklessly, never participated in risky physical activity of any kind.

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Watching for Eagles

Early morning gray mist descended on bare branches etched charcoal.
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Ink Stains / Ink is my Ink

I swore I’d never take off the very first ring from a boy I loved. When I did, it revealed the tell-tale band of oxidized green. The mark left by imitation precious metal lasted longer than the mark made by love’s early imitation.

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It is not enough to sweep up broken glass.

Tiny shards, no matter how carefully I search for them, elude my broom. A second sweep, with a moist towel or sponge, that’s the step many people omit.
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