
Death and the Love Poem

I asked my friend Deb for a poem idea.
“Death?” she replied. “LOL.”

I hadn’t told her it was intended to be a love poem.

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The places you lived in me

With deft hands, tiny elves packed your memories away.

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Stripped of Pretense

Even the youngest brother became an old man, his spine concave, ill-fitting gray trousers cinched with a worn brown belt above his hepatitis-distended belly, gray stubble on his poorly-shaved cheeks and neck, his crowded and yellow teeth host to the remains of breakfast.
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A hummingbird of a girl –
iridescent and flittering
fueled by youth and hope
and that which buzzes alive
in those lucky enough
to fly
in search of the 1000 flowers’ nectar
to be lapped up in a day.

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I come to life when color begins to leave
the leaves
when the stain of amber and gold and burnt sienna
seeps into the once verdant green
and school-bus yellow
ushering in the rich and glorious palette
of decay and death.
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