
In the Black of Winter


In the black of the morning
brake lights and street lights strung together
like a garland
blurred by the arcs of rainwater
dragged back and forth across the windshield. Continue Reading »

Coffee Shop

In the coffee shop where we once nestled
I sit by the window
cold air seeping through.
Hard gray rain coming down in diagonals
bouncing off the gray sidewalk
repelling off the windshields and hoods of gray cars parked outside the café.

The pounding kind of rain
that even we poets,
rain-lovers and darkness-dwellers that we are,
find dreary and discouraging.
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Open closed open

Inspired by Yehuda Amichai (2000),Open closed open. Translated by Chana Bloch & Chana Kronfeld
    1. My life is the gardener of my body. The brain – a hothouse closed tight

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The Body Remembers

Shoulders hunched
chest, lungs, throat tight, constricted
sleep forfeited in razor edge vigilance
skin and hair and dreams scorched from uncontained wildfires
bitten and buried beneath whiteout of cold storms.

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From Bluets, by Maggie Nelson

1. Suppose I were to begin by saying that I had fallen in love with a color. Suppose I were to speak this as though it were a confession; suppose I shredded my napkin as we spoke. It began slowly. An appreciation, an affinity. Then, one day, it became more serious. Then (looking into an empty teacup, its bottom stained with thin brown excrement coiled into the shape of a sea horse) it became somehow personal.

2. And so I fell in love with a color – in this case, the color blue – as if falling under a spell, a spell I fought to stay under and get out from under, in turns.

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