
Releasing the Claim

We climbed
narrow cobblestone spirals
the fortress perched where hilltop meets sky
overlooking the Guadalete River.
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[after viewing encaustic paintings of Stephanie Hargrave, Shift Gallery, Seattle, 2/10/2018]

Black graphite dust
skitters across
the small beige panel
molten wax layers
built up in relief.
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Knowing it’s the End

On January 13, 2018, an employee of the Hawaiian Emergency Management Agency issued a ballistic missile alert. Thirty eight minutes later, a second message was sent, describing it as a “false alarm.”

Here’s a modern day math problem:
After launch, a missile travels 4600 miles.
At an average speed of 306.67 miles per hour,
calculate the duration
of the end of known life
on a Pacific Rim Island.

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The Fortune Teller

I placed two octagonal centavos
in the vendedor callejero’s
weathered brown hand.
He opened the door
of the two-tiered cage
underneath an intricately carved wooden castle
to release the light yellow canary.
It hopped onto the embroidered Mayan cloth
toward a box overfull with colored slips of paper
folded and numbered
packed like tea bags
promising advanced knowledge
of destined perils and joys.
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My mother dreams of
walking the mausoleum’s corridor
searching for her name
among the eye-level inscription plates
petite crypts
holding entombed breasts.
It’s been more than 30 years since
the era of battling early stage breast cancer
with radical mastectomy –
without reconstruction.
Still she dreams of being
reunited, made whole.
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