
Archive for the ‘Youth’ Category

It’s not obvious what to write about after a day atop the Coast Mountains, a part of the North American Pacific Coast Ranges. Or, rather, it is so obvious that one cannot actually write it. Feeling insignificantly small against the unending vistas. Breathing requiring conscious effort as one ascends the “easy” trail at 7000 feet, […]

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Back when I was (more) awkward about relationships and sexuality, back at the time when I was, perhaps it’s more accurate to say, first awkward about relationships and sexuality, there was Truth or Dare. Answer a sadistic question designed to reveal your most private insecurities, inexperience, and unrequited crushes; or, preserve your tattered and inadequate […]

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A while back, I attended a house concert that proved to be an unexpected delight. The evening was a perfect combination of youth, beauty, music, a glass of unexceptional red wine (as far as I can tell, large pot-luck events seem to yield an abundance of unexceptional wines, and the one I contributed was no […]

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My son’s math curriculum is called Everyday Math – the idea is to use math concepts in everyday situations we encounter, rather than keep math separate, a subject during the school day that has no tie to real life. Thus, he can figure out fractions when we need only 2 of a dozen eggs, or […]

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I met a young man at a party for young people. This early 20-something young man had bright eyes that shone through shiny, tousled brown hair, an open smile, and a palpable energy of exuberance and youthful certainty of his proclamations. He radiated a sense of confidence in what he knows to be true, about […]

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