
Archive for the ‘Youth’ Category

Bright light behind me only shape remains resting, hovering, suspended clouds blacken against an orange-pink glowing sunset black, too, the white-breasted hummingbird and the pink-striped hibiscus against the golden burst of a fresh-out-of-bed sunrise the curve of a jaw the connect-the-dots peaks and valleys of wind-tousled hair my own light, energy eclipsed features undefined.

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I asked my friend Deb for a poem idea. “Death?” she replied. “LOL.”   I hadn’t told her it was intended to be a love poem.  

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A hummingbird of a girl – iridescent and flittering fueled by youth and hope and that which buzzes alive in those lucky enough to fly dive hover dart in search of the 1000 flowers’ nectar to be lapped up in a day.

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Dances with Worms

The post-rainfall Wisconsin worms were fat, long, everywhere. It took forever to walk to school those days, as I methodically calculated each footstep. To avoid squishing them, releasing even more of the pungent earthy smell I hated. To avoid accidentally cutting one in two, creating two separate worms that would live where there once was […]

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Instead of a diary, I told my dog the things I told no one else, believing that she alone knew me. I told her who I loved, what I was scared of, things about me I hated, things I hoped for. I recounted the injustices, slights, and micro-cruelties I had suffered. Or at least believed […]

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