
Archive for the ‘Young Love’ Category

Back when I was (more) awkward about relationships and sexuality, back at the time when I was, perhaps it’s more accurate to say, first awkward about relationships and sexuality, there was Truth or Dare. Answer a sadistic question designed to reveal your most private insecurities, inexperience, and unrequited crushes; or, preserve your tattered and inadequate […]

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Chevy Van

I parked next to a battered blue van today, and when the “Chevy Van” lettering on its passenger side came into view, it was like someone had released the “Pause” button and the song resumed. I was immediately transported to the 13-year-old I was in 1975, engulfed in emotions, longings, and body sway, lost in […]

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It’s summer: the time of baseball games, waterskiing, overnight camping, barbeques, boating and swimming and biking and . . . outdoor musicals. Brigadoon was on this year’s docket at our local theatre-in-the-forest. I’ve always like this story of a perfect place lost in the mists but for one day every hundred years. The promise of […]

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How, oh how, to grow a boy?

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Tonight was my turn to drive car pool. We drive with the same “older” girl whose father drives the convertible red Cadillac. When we went to pick her up, she wasn’t quite ready – she needed to find her shoes, comb her hair, grab a car snack, pick a jacket, track down her book. Her […]

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