
Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

I’m feeling stumped more frequently about writing. I have started several entries, meandered on in linguistic yet self-indulgent feats, come to an awareness that was crucial for me, then realized I can’t possibly post what I wrote because it’s of no benefit to anyone else, and I am so done with that little exercise that […]

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Asked to write in verse To make long thoughts terse Prose is my genre now Literary essays of how . . . How I imagine How I hope How I dream How I regret How I see within and among and between the lines (to be exact). I’m afraid of poetry, turns out. Early efforts […]

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Last night, in those few precious moments before bedtime when there’s not a single chore remaining for me to ask him about, my son and I were taking just a moment to snuggle on the couch. I asked him to tell me something about him that I didn’t know – something he might not have […]

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I was back in my son’s classroom, in an after-school effort to help the kids build Tikis as part of their study of Easter Island. His school has an amazing program where the whole school studies one continent a year, each classroom focusing on one country. This culminates in giant classroom projects, a school-wide evening […]

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I’m on a weekend snow trip, which, for those who know me, is a strange thing to hear from me. Having grown up with snow, then choosing to leave it, I am not usually one who seeks out how to return to it.

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