
Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

Writing Sparks

Today I’m spending 3+ hours in the balcony of a high school gym, while my son is taking a middle school entrance exam. When I thought about where to send him for middle school, I didn’t realize exactly what process I was setting in motion. But here I am, in a gym not quite like […]

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Instead of Writing

It was my scheduled time to write, but I didn’t. I was just about to type, “couldn’t write” but that would start things off with a tone of falseness. I simply didn’t, but I surely could have. I was alone in the house and had about an hour and a half to myself. My son […]

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Every now and then I encounter a situation that, while in it, I’m thinking of how I’m going to write about it. The incident – either what is happening to me, or what I’m seeing, or what I’m hearing or reading or learning – seems so unique, so interesting, so odd, or just so crazy, […]

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Setting: Any given town, on any given night. Parents’ bedroom, 1:00 am. Dad is sound asleep. Mom has had a headache from a lingering cold, so she’s sleeping fitfully. There’s a knock on the bedroom door. Their 8-year-old daughter is upset, having awoken to an outlandish racket outside her window. She wants to come into […]

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Right on schedule, April came to a close and our first tulip has died.  

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