
Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

Science fiction is not my best genre – for that matter, neither are epic Russian novels – both lose me with names for places and people that somehow slip right out of my mind within milliseconds of reading them. Backwards time travel is about the only form of science fiction I can follow, as it […]

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I’ve been watching clouds lately. Don’t know why. It’s not like interesting cloud patterns and textures and formations are anything new. But give me something new, like a new phone with a new camera, and off I head into any situation, seeking something worth clicking. Here’s one I took, just strolling along next to the […]

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Today was the annual Young Authors event at my son’s school. Students have been working for weeks to write and illustrate something worthy to be shared across all grades, kindergarten through fifth. Works are then bound, with title pages and back pages, and many include a Dedication and an About the Author blurb on the […]

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Celebrity Tattoos

How stuck must a writer be before heading to the internet to search for writing prompts? I must not be the only one who needs an external kick-start sometimes, because otherwise there wouldn’t be so many sites. My first click brought me to a long numerical list, numbers in bold, set in rows; when the […]

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Writing Assignment

I’ve given myself a writing assignment: Write a poem. Clear, concise. I argue with even this teacher’s assignment. An inane argument, a stall, I suppose, but no teacher can quell all questions without squashing the few based on true curiosity.

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