
Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

There are only so many ways to tell stories. We all are born, come of age, die. In between, we struggle with love, loss, alienation and belonging, morality and immorality, good and evil. Depending on your English department’s particular 100-level Intro to (modern, English, German, Hispanic, popular, ethnic) Lit, you’ll learn the universal themes: three, […]

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“Your fly is open,” the tall, beautiful, regal-necked lesbian poet whispered in my ear as she ascended the stage. I’d just drawn her name from the cup. The podium – and my crotch, apparently – had been precisely in her front-row-center line of sight.   Performance interruptus.  

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Ten Rules

This morning’s air was damp and uncharacteristically heavy, its scent overripe and wormy after last night’s brief summer storm and lingering showers. A Midwestern rain transported somehow out of its rightful time zone, bringing a thunderstorm and lightning that only mutedly lit up the sky, daytime lightning the mild-speaking, apologetic stepsister to her spiteful nighttime […]

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I found an old ring a few weeks ago. OK, searched and searched and searched for the lost mate to a favorite pair of earrings that I bought a long time ago when traveling. I didn’t find the mate. Instead I found a hand-crafted artisan silver ring I had forgotten I’d had. Forgotten the way […]

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Despite the numbers of comments caught by this site’s spam filters each day – thousands, according to the daily spam filter count – about 20 make it through. I cull through them, pulling out these internet weeds to make way for the tiny number of comments from my tiny number of readers to make their […]

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