
Archive for the ‘Writing’ Category

Making Way for the Poem

I’ve been waiting for anger to subside or at least squidgy a little to the left or, if not that, slide a bit lower or melt, maybe, from my furrowed brow and clenched jaw or warm the nippy fluids buffering my heart by just half a degree or soften just the tiniest bit the hardened […]

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I married the man from an unbroken line of cattle rustlers and outlaws misogynists and God-fearers hard drinkers and card players good-ole boys and long-suffering wives descendants of those with skin white enough to hold slaves own vast farmland distill spirits to make it through North Dakota winters and high plains droughts.  

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Inches apart the right side of your right arm rubbed my left.  

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When a Jewish parent dies, the surviving adult child is obligated to recite the Kaddish, the Mourner’s Prayer that never mentions death, twice a day for 11 months. Prayer books print three versions: the Hebrew, the transliteration of the Hebrew, and a translation into the reader’s primary language, such as English or Spanish.   Yitgadal […]

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I swore I’d never take off the very first ring from a boy I loved. When I did, it revealed the tell-tale band of oxidized green. The mark left by imitation precious metal lasted longer than the mark made by love’s early imitation.  

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