
Archive for the ‘Wisdom’ Category

Second Chances

I’ve made fewer mistakes than I wish I had. Took fewer chances than others. Played it safe. Feared unknown outcomes, assumed more negative possibilities than a single event could ever unleash. Stood at the sidelines while friends and acquaintances ran headlong into adventures that I deemed too scary. I’m a planner. I like to know […]

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Today’s the day my studded snow tires come off. Insufficiently caffeinated, unshowered, make-up-less, decked in sweats and sneakers under my winter coat and hat (which I’m keeping on to cover up untamed hair), I’m now in the waiting room. Initially the sharp smell of rubber was jolting, the blare of the waiting room TV sharp. […]

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This was not a compliment.   There was no accompanying sigh, but the disappointment seemed audible. I had been summed up and found to be flawed. Dismissed.

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I’ll take wisdom from any place I can get it. I’ll use Buddhist proverbs, without ever sitting to chant. In this instance, I’m thinking of the adage that asserts when a student is ready, a teacher will arrive. My daily commute takes me past a carpet cleaning store that offers up pithy phrases and words of […]

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Small children know a lot. They know rules to games, jump-rope rhymes, how to avoid eye contact with grown ups, how to hide the ubiquitous yet contraband Pokémon cards, even how to calculate time, since they are never done playing until at least two full minutes past the bell that signals recess is over. More […]

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