
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sheets will be fresh, unwrinkled when I fold myself alone into the middle of the bed. Under the morning sky as it lights by degrees, clouds become visible, blushing pink, distinct from the domed sky behind, I am tucked in

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[Este poema vino primero en español / This poem came first in Spanish – scroll to the end to read it in English] No vemos lo mismo, mi Amor En los pocos días que nos quedaron antes de irnos para caminos diferentes – tú y tu amor de ángulos, cristal, las estructuras de forma y […]

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Life richer the smaller I live it, the less effort to dominate, win, understand. Better to be the size of orange ladybugs consummating, the bottom one still, the top one shimmying, vibrating, wriggling before releasing on that vine, tiny white flowers blooming, unphased I did not know their name. Smaller than the me and you, […]

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Found Poem Pantoum

Without a place to land the singing bird moves on. My finger traces coastal lines, I follow you on the map. I hover in the liminal, the dream borders obsession. I will write you a thousand times, impenitent, enrapt. My finger traces coastal lines, I follow you on the map. The heart, they say, has […]

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‘Tis a fearful thing to love what death can touch.  – Yehuda HaLevi There should be no end to tears, you said, offering the whole box of tissue to the new widow who wanted an end to hers.

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