
Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Duh. Cliché. Come on – really? Maybe I’m not smarter than a 5th grader.   My 5th grader knows that each of our journeys begins with the process of leaving home. Plans must be made, tickets or reservations made, last-minute items bought, outgrown clothes replaced, food snacks prepared. I print out his packing checklist, then […]

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Urban Kaleidoscope

My last few weeks have required a shift in my usual work/home routine, taking me to parts of the city and surrounding areas I rarely enter. It made for a busy, appointment-filled time, stressful because I’m never sure how long it takes to get somewhere new and if I can still make it back to […]

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At 1:32 this morning, the fire alarm in our hotel went off. It went off for a very long time. Singular, insistent beeps assailing occupants on all 19 floors. We woke, bleary-eyed and disbelieving, wondering if it was a smoke detector in our room, or elsewhere in the hotel. Eventually I found the hotel instruction […]

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Well, I might be able to be friends with her when I’m done being mad. And envious. And disappointed. And full of regret. But I bet I’d really like her when I was done with all these reactions. First, the back story.

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A backwater town (if only there was water) nestled in base of a mountain valley, in a county called Mineral County, with a 2010 census of 410 people (up from 2000, when the town had a mere 374 people living in 152 households) is host to a bookstore proclaiming “100,000 Used Books.”   So off […]

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