
Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Releasing the Claim

We climbed narrow cobblestone spirals the fortress perched where hilltop meets sky overlooking the Guadalete River.

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I placed two octagonal centavos in the vendedor callejero’s weathered brown hand. He opened the door of the two-tiered cage underneath an intricately carved wooden castle to release the light yellow canary. It hopped onto the embroidered Mayan cloth toward a box overfull with colored slips of paper folded and numbered packed like tea bags […]

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For so long I breathed differently in time spent away travel moments travel stories.  

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I’ve traced the journey countless times hovering in the liminal where dream borders obsession. I stare at the map caress the tiny-print names of towns with bleached white facades I murmur their names out loud los pueblos blancos mangle the pronunciations. Your sun-baked skin will look even darker against alabaster walls so, too, your dark […]

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Even those who haven’t read their Bible in a very long time, or ever, know that the Old and New Testament hold stories of messages and warnings, migration and settlement, pleasing and displeasing (God as well as other people), sacrifice and punishment. From Abraham, asked to sacrifice his long-awaited and beloved son, to Jesus, the […]

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