
Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

And if I found you?

I seek out the street that shares your name amble behind the bull ring alongside the Guadalquivir across the Puente de Isabella II past the restaurant where we ate poorly-fried tapas when we weren’t hungry.

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You came to her unknowing unknown let her get under your skin let her change you with her you sing and dance disregard time stay out late sleep in smile, laugh wander, marvel release the strains to which you had once become resigned.

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I was set to write about you, Love – packed the computer, cord, notebook scarf and jacket for the late afternoon winds I now expect housekey that remained only once while I explored for hours headphones for the rare treat of music centuries newer than stone streets laid in 1554 the address for La Erre […]

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I. All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town.  – Leo Tolstoy The first time I left home I was too young to make it out.

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The taste of fear

You tell me I must be careful avoid the strawberries they are grown in sewage water, you warn, they cannot be rinsed clean.    

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