
Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Nanas de la Cebolla (Onion Lullabies), by Miguel Hernandez, 1939, was composed while the poet was in jail after the Spanish Civil War. It was sparked by a letter from his wife, where she told him that she only had bread and onions to eat, and that both she and his child suffered from severe […]

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With at least an hour before sunrise predawn roosters crow church bells chime dogs bark and I’m pretty sure that’s a mule bellowing

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——-Dedicated to the 116 people laid to rest in the seemingly forgotten Cementerio Israelita, in El Cementerio de San Fernando, Seville, Spain. It pained me to know the end I wanted to ghost you to let you slip away as if there were nothing more to say as if your diminution from once being the […]

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La Reconquista

I walked your banks determined to reclaim you from history – from our story – make you my own

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Beneath the earth’s surface time is languid formations otherworldly, silent some millions, some thousands, of years in the making a thousand years from now gazers will see the centimeter of growth

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