
Archive for the ‘Florence’ Category

Your veined hands, more alive in ghostly Carrera marble, more human towering three times the height of your Maker, curiosity beckons those who flock to you, their Pilgrimage of Selfies, unbelievers

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To be written

When we are naked, we are unwritten… We only want to be written.–          Orlando White, Discourse I cross cobbled streets, enthralled by street art, modern images adorning walls, utility box covers, traffic signs, there for every passerby, uncontained by museums

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Note: On the night of November 4, 1966 the Arno overflowed, reaching 10 feet above street level. It filled many of Florence’s historic streets, museums, churches, and libraries with mud. After the disaster, citizens and foreigners living in Florence took to the streets, museums, and libraries to salvage masterpieces and manuscripts from the mud, in the most uncomfortable […]

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– For the Ring family A few sips of digestif balance the richness prepare the body for rest.

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