
Archive for the ‘The Genders’ Category

It was sunny today, our first pure blue-skied, warm Spring day, with rain predicted by late tomorrow night, so I cajoled my husband to come on a hike. We returned to a rather strenuous one we’d taken once before, the “little” hike to its big brother full mountain hike, a mere 2.2 miles to the […]

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In a few hours, I will be on kitchen clean-up duty. We’ve pretty well divided the cooking/cleaning labor in the household, so whereas I’m predominantly the one who cooks, it’s my husband who cleans the dishes. Today, he and my son are cooking, and it will be a feast. A guy feast. Guy meat (Fred […]

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I have taken great pride in understanding my son. I’ve understood his cries since birth, his different facial expressions for sadness, anger, happiness, excitement. The way frustration goes straight to wide-eyed tearfulness and reddened cheeks, rather than the more typical route to outward outrage. I know the foods he loves, the ones he avoids, and […]

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I grew up doing things like a girl. I threw like a girl, ran like a girl, cried like a girl, and in my teenage years I slammed doors, waited by the phone, and pined after unrequited crushes – just like a girl.

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Last night, in those few precious moments before bedtime when there’s not a single chore remaining for me to ask him about, my son and I were taking just a moment to snuggle on the couch. I asked him to tell me something about him that I didn’t know – something he might not have […]

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