
Archive for the ‘The Genders’ Category

Here’s what driving carpool really means: the floors of your car fill up with food remains, the seams of your seats darken with embedded crumbs, the windows smudge over with the residue of sticky/sweaty foreheads, noses, lips and fingers, the air sours with the lingering odor of left-behind articles of clothing peeled off while wet, half-sucked […]

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Urban Debris

The streets and windshields awoke polka-dotted with white and sheer pink cherry blossom petals that fell like snow in last night’s heavy rain. The kind of rain that moves items from one house to the next – a garbage can lid, a small snapped branch, small bits of urban debris.  

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I can think of all the right things to say, all the kind, compassionate ways to acknowledge, “Yes, Darling, I know you’re in pain.” I can be open to feedback and receptive to his points of view, which are galaxies away from mine. I can grant that these points of view are valid. I am […]

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My son and husband returned from their guys’ adventure with tales of the lemur’s angry noises. They’d seen cougars, tigers, emus, alpaca, even the largest captive herd of Siberian reindeer (not to mention Santa and a bevy of elves). But it was the eruption of lemur screams that captivated them.  

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Instead of a diary, I told my dog the things I told no one else, believing that she alone knew me. I told her who I loved, what I was scared of, things about me I hated, things I hoped for. I recounted the injustices, slights, and micro-cruelties I had suffered. Or at least believed […]

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