
Archive for the ‘Television’ Category

“Do you know what your love language is?” the pediatric podiatrist asked my son.   While the doctor tended to the tenacious wart at the bottom of my son’s foot, he patiently explained the basic tenets of Love Language theory. That there is one type of love that each person seems to want the most, […]

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Not too long ago – in the time of my youth, let’s say – zombies, vampires and werewolves only rarely populated popular fiction. Each offered a slightly different variant for errant unconscious sexual and aggressive fantasies. Flash forward a few mere decades and the undead are a cultural phenomenon.

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I was in a bit of a slump the other day, piggybacking on other people’s slumps the way a summer cold passes through a household, and you end up sniffling and chilled after watching everyone else go through it yet somehow telling yourself you’ll be spared. I shouldn’t have been surprised, really, as the slump […]

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It’s amazing how difficult it is for me to do nothing. Lay on a chaise lounge for hours in the sun. Sit looking out over the water. Who are the people who are so relaxed that they fall asleep at the beach? For that matter, people who fall asleep any time after they’ve been up?

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I’m sitting in a local Starbucks, and today’s Swing music mix (Dean Martin is crooning Volare, just before that was a song from Ella Fitzgerald’s Music and Moonlight), is just barely audible over the milk-steaming and repeat ordering patter at the counter. As I glance around, I feel like a sociologist discovering a new tribe.

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