
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

I’m still thinking about poetry, poems, and, of course, me. I began re-reading some old favorites, just to see what would happen. And it happened – they invited me to leave the literal, and I followed.

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Impatiently Reading Poetry

I heard a talk a few weeks ago and was introduced to the work of a poet I had not yet read. The speaker bookended the talk with two poems, languid and perceptive, hinting at the topic of his talk (the notion of Self, and how it’s comprised). The poetry set a mood, loosening my […]

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A backwater town (if only there was water) nestled in base of a mountain valley, in a county called Mineral County, with a 2010 census of 410 people (up from 2000, when the town had a mere 374 people living in 152 households) is host to a bookstore proclaiming “100,000 Used Books.”   So off […]

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A while back, I attended a house concert that proved to be an unexpected delight. The evening was a perfect combination of youth, beauty, music, a glass of unexceptional red wine (as far as I can tell, large pot-luck events seem to yield an abundance of unexceptional wines, and the one I contributed was no […]

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Asked to write in verse To make long thoughts terse Prose is my genre now Literary essays of how . . . How I imagine How I hope How I dream How I regret How I see within and among and between the lines (to be exact). I’m afraid of poetry, turns out. Early efforts […]

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