
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, now that I’m in my second half of life, that sleep has gone the way of, well, wakefulness. I am awake far more in my bed than I am asleep.  

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My Day in Haiku

Awake. Dark and still. Windows reflect morning, me. Pour coffee for one. *****

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Here’s the way today’s piece went:   I had a great idea. A perfect quote. I was mulling it around for a few days, rolling it under my tongue like hard candy. The source was high brow enough (a 100+-year-old well-respected essay on cultural relativism and the inevitability that otherness is met with criticism and […]

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Today was the annual Young Authors event at my son’s school. Students have been working for weeks to write and illustrate something worthy to be shared across all grades, kindergarten through fifth. Works are then bound, with title pages and back pages, and many include a Dedication and an About the Author blurb on the […]

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Writing Assignment

I’ve given myself a writing assignment: Write a poem. Clear, concise. I argue with even this teacher’s assignment. An inane argument, a stall, I suppose, but no teacher can quell all questions without squashing the few based on true curiosity.

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