
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Writers are not known for their social skills. Even those who write great dialogue do so from the privacy of their own writing space, with endless re-writes and reading it back out loud to determine when they have finally captured something like “real” conversation. You can write a to-do list, or even a family Christmas […]

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Writing Assignment II

I’ve given myself a writing assignment: Write a poem.   I argue with even this teacher’s assignment. An inane argument, a stall, I suppose, but my resistance demands its voice.   I ask: What is a poem these days?   Prose with more line breaks? Ideas uncoupled? Half-written thoughts that trail off? Descriptions that lead […]

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“Your fly is open,” the tall, beautiful, regal-necked lesbian poet whispered in my ear as she ascended the stage. I’d just drawn her name from the cup. The podium – and my crotch, apparently – had been precisely in her front-row-center line of sight.   Performance interruptus.  

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I took a poetry collection to a café. I had an hour before attending an author reading, and was feeling particularly literary.   I sat at the bar, ordered the least expensive glass of red wine, and chatted amiably with the tattooed woman bartender about what a find to meet this poet. The poet of […]

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I recently picked up a book of essays about seven pleasures that lead to “ordinary happiness.” Not bliss, just ordinary happiness. I tend to think I experience all kinds of ordinary happiness, as well as occasional bliss, so I don’t usually read how-to-get-happy books. When I perused the table of contents, I knew without a […]

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