
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Hang out with poets, and you never know what might happen.  

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Twenty two years after his death, I sit on the weather-stripped bench. At my feet a small plaque commemorates a man I never met, whose family and friends chose to mark his life. To mark his death, really, as that’s the only year engraved. Chose for strangers who never knew he existed to know that […]

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-For those who dwell within   Tucked between the pages was a birthday card from Mort, who apparently missed my party in 1998 but was thoughtful enough to give me a book of poetry celebrating grandparenthood. Taller than me, older than me, more experienced in the world than me, Mort was kind enough to let me […]

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This is Not Poetry

Romance begins with anticipation, ripens with limited time, stolen moments, languid looks broken by shyness, making us turn away before hungrily returning. Poetry, too, requires mere snippets of time and space.  

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War and soldiering, victory and defeat, belong not just to the troops, the generals, the political leaders. They belong to the Poets. Poets to protest the cost of the violence, Poets to remind that freedom – the touch of the divine – must sometimes be freed from the touch of man.  

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