
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

I married the man from an unbroken line of cattle rustlers and outlaws misogynists and God-fearers hard drinkers and card players good-ole boys and long-suffering wives descendants of those with skin white enough to hold slaves own vast farmland distill spirits to make it through North Dakota winters and high plains droughts.  

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You’ll say I’m anthropomorphizing reading too much into things projecting making something out of nothing making it about me.  

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For so long I breathed differently in time spent away travel moments travel stories.  

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On the eve of a summer solstice the superior court judge heeded the death knell that silenced and shrouded our home and signed our decree

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Coffee Shop

In the coffee shop where we once nestled I sit by the window cold air seeping through. Hard gray rain coming down in diagonals bouncing off the gray sidewalk repelling off the windshields and hoods of gray cars parked outside the café. The pounding kind of rain that even we poets, rain-lovers and darkness-dwellers that […]

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