
Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

I am large, I contain multitudes. -Walt Whitman, Song of Myself But here’s the thing, Walt. Sometimes I’m tired of my multitudes. -Maggie Smith, You Could Make This Place Beautiful

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“Please come to Boston” in my head, lyric of longing, lives divided, yearning to leave meets the gravitational pull of home,

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In memoriam

I unstitch action from actor, dismantle memories’ timeline, embellish with treasured beads idly trifling my fingers,

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A fait accompli

The fatted calf awaits its unbeknownst sacrifice not the only to suffer the forgiven’s return. The foal heat signals false readiness, coupling too soon for my body to sustain. The feared self manifests the dreaded future here my transformation inescapable. The fluted glass prolongs effervescence, bubbles float up, tickle your nose before I sour and […]

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Nanas de la Cebolla (Onion Lullabies), by Miguel Hernandez, 1939, was composed while the poet was in jail after the Spanish Civil War. It was sparked by a letter from his wife, where she told him that she only had bread and onions to eat, and that both she and his child suffered from severe […]

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