
Archive for the ‘The Arts’ Category

A fait accompli

The fatted calf awaits its unbeknownst sacrifice not the only to suffer the forgiven’s return. The foal heat signals false readiness, coupling too soon for my body to sustain. The feared self manifests the dreaded future here my transformation inescapable. The fluted glass prolongs effervescence, bubbles float up, tickle your nose before I sour and […]

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After de Kooning

Penumbra, Issue 31, 2021, p. 94 The rich palette of peach and yellow and white conjures feminine reverie, light and feathery in places, paint thick and heavy in others, a pool of burnt orange coagulates at the bottom of the canvas. We can trace the brush as it stroked away form, left only movement and […]

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Like the crone observing new life from her crooked-neck perch bones and sinews exposed as winter’s denuded branches time relaxed immeasurable and infinite the blue heron rests on the leafless limb its s-curved neck raising and turning languidly.

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Toucans landed on the field behind your house improbable, the things we think are beautiful Why the hummingbird, iridescent and almost impossible to track as it zooms and flits and chitters through the tree and not the giant black bus of the bee whose heft is long and wide, seeming to defy gravity, land on […]

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“I’ll make a magic to ferry you soon East of the sun and west of the moon. Joy Davidman, For Davy Who Wants to Know about AstronomyA Naked Tree: Love Sonnets to C.S. Lewis and Other Poems (2015). I’ll make a magic to ferry you soon to where the black donkey and the brown horse […]

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