
Archive for the ‘The Arts’ Category

– For the Ring family A few sips of digestif balance the richness prepare the body for rest.

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In memoriam

I unstitch action from actor, dismantle memories’ timeline, embellish with treasured beads idly trifling my fingers,

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Waiting to board for Cádiz, in the slate gray Sevilla Santa Justa lobby, I am surprised to recognize where I am. I have been here before.

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A building has at least two lives – the one imagined by its maker and the life it lives afterward – and they are never the same.    – Rem Koolhaas Some never knew of the secret stair, smooth, cool caracol of white cantera, winding out of sight complicit in the house built in another era […]

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Welcoming the house guest

– For José María García Payán, El Sueño de Julia The wash machine is next to the fridge. It is in Spanish, but you will figure it out. The light over the stove doesn’t work but there’s a nearby bulb.

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