
Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Alison Krauss’ song, The Lucky One, describes what in some circles we’d call a commitment-phobic guy. He’s as free as the wind to come and go, doesn’t excel at anything except drifting along, yet is so charming that even though he loves and leaves, he’s “loved by many and hated by none.” She chides that […]

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11 year old son: “What are you going to write about today?” Older than she likes to be mother: “I don’t know. What should I write about?” Son: “Oooh, cheesy gophers!”   This is what I get for asking an 11 year old for this week’s writing spark.

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Barry White Radio

“Wait, I thought I had pants on when I started this song.” “My clothes caught fire and fell off.” -Anonymous YouTube comments for Barry White

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The battery on my son’s MP4 player has eroded, but he’s going on a road trip so I wanted him to have the option of some music and some audiobooks. He’s at a great age, where juvenile fiction includes such things as the series about the young James Bond, stories of adventure when tweens go […]

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A favorite James Taylor song reminds me of an old friend. If I count the years since we were students, the time spent with a whole country between us, the numbers surpass two decades. He’s a brilliant man, a good husband, devoted father, loyal friend; he’s handsome, intelligent, funny, the perfect combination of strong masculinity […]

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