
Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Hang out with poets, and you never know what might happen.  

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This is Not Poetry

Romance begins with anticipation, ripens with limited time, stolen moments, languid looks broken by shyness, making us turn away before hungrily returning. Poetry, too, requires mere snippets of time and space.  

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Under the watchful eyes of Wally Lamb, Delores Price came undone. She had good reason – parental abandonment, accidental death, rape, obesity, romantic obsession, suicide attempts, and institutionalization, just to name a few. Events and circumstances that loom so large, so painful, so life-altering that it seems likely that no one could come through without […]

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I took a poetry collection to a café. I had an hour before attending an author reading, and was feeling particularly literary.   I sat at the bar, ordered the least expensive glass of red wine, and chatted amiably with the tattooed woman bartender about what a find to meet this poet. The poet of […]

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“Purple pants!” I cooed to my husband. He looked over, his eyes recognized the color purple, and he smiled. “Purple pants,” he replied responsively, much like the congregation had been doing since the beginning of the service.  

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