
Archive for the ‘Film’ Category

Dances with Worms

The post-rainfall Wisconsin worms were fat, long, everywhere. It took forever to walk to school those days, as I methodically calculated each footstep. To avoid squishing them, releasing even more of the pungent earthy smell I hated. To avoid accidentally cutting one in two, creating two separate worms that would live where there once was […]

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Ten Rules

This morning’s air was damp and uncharacteristically heavy, its scent overripe and wormy after last night’s brief summer storm and lingering showers. A Midwestern rain transported somehow out of its rightful time zone, bringing a thunderstorm and lightning that only mutedly lit up the sky, daytime lightning the mild-speaking, apologetic stepsister to her spiteful nighttime […]

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Three 12-year-olds are in my living room, finally slowing down for some screen time before heading off to sleeping bags and whispered late night boy humor. My best friend was just visiting, and somehow the topic of The Three Stooges came up. She asserted that the timelessness of their comedy is dependent on Curly. I […]

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Despite the numbers of comments caught by this site’s spam filters each day – thousands, according to the daily spam filter count – about 20 make it through. I cull through them, pulling out these internet weeds to make way for the tiny number of comments from my tiny number of readers to make their […]

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Not too long ago – in the time of my youth, let’s say – zombies, vampires and werewolves only rarely populated popular fiction. Each offered a slightly different variant for errant unconscious sexual and aggressive fantasies. Flash forward a few mere decades and the undead are a cultural phenomenon.

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