
Archive for the ‘Fairy Tale’ Category

Despertamos, si alguna vez despertamos realmente, al misterio, a los rumores de la muerte, a la belleza, a la violencia. We awake, if we ever wake at all, to mystery, rumors of death, beauty, violence. – Annie Dillard (1974). Pilgrim at Tinker Creek / Una Temporada en Tinker Creek  La invitación a despertarse Rumpelstiltskin le envió […]

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Nanas de la Cebolla (Onion Lullabies), by Miguel Hernandez, 1939, was composed while the poet was in jail after the Spanish Civil War. It was sparked by a letter from his wife, where she told him that she only had bread and onions to eat, and that both she and his child suffered from severe […]

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