
Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

I think I saw a faerie the other day. I wasn’t expecting to, but no one sees faeries by setting out to do so. First I saw only her car: boxy and angular, the white exterior paint dulled slightly with age. A regal anomaly among the sleek, smooth, rounded vehicles that dominate the road. My […]

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Duh. Cliché. Come on – really? Maybe I’m not smarter than a 5th grader.   My 5th grader knows that each of our journeys begins with the process of leaving home. Plans must be made, tickets or reservations made, last-minute items bought, outgrown clothes replaced, food snacks prepared. I print out his packing checklist, then […]

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They have an odd number of pairs of legs, but the total number varies from 20 to 300. Millipedes don’t have 1000 legs, but more likely between 36 and 400 legs. Replacing what I previously thought to be true with what is, apparently, actually true, I gather that certain millipedes will have fewer legs than […]

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It’s amazing how difficult it is for me to do nothing. Lay on a chaise lounge for hours in the sun. Sit looking out over the water. Who are the people who are so relaxed that they fall asleep at the beach? For that matter, people who fall asleep any time after they’ve been up?

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I’m sitting in a local Starbucks, and today’s Swing music mix (Dean Martin is crooning Volare, just before that was a song from Ella Fitzgerald’s Music and Moonlight), is just barely audible over the milk-steaming and repeat ordering patter at the counter. As I glance around, I feel like a sociologist discovering a new tribe.

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