
Archive for the ‘Authors/Quotes’ Category

It was sunny today, our first pure blue-skied, warm Spring day, with rain predicted by late tomorrow night, so I cajoled my husband to come on a hike. We returned to a rather strenuous one we’d taken once before, the “little” hike to its big brother full mountain hike, a mere 2.2 miles to the […]

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The battery on my son’s MP4 player has eroded, but he’s going on a road trip so I wanted him to have the option of some music and some audiobooks. He’s at a great age, where juvenile fiction includes such things as the series about the young James Bond, stories of adventure when tweens go […]

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Uncommon Pursuit

Some people are convinced that humanity is on the downward side of a bell curve, just like the ancient Romans, who, despite creating the most successful and accomplished society ever, could not maintain this glory, and instead, descended quickly into chaos and decadence. It’s just a matter of time before our civilization will fall, say […]

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I was in a bit of a slump the other day, piggybacking on other people’s slumps the way a summer cold passes through a household, and you end up sniffling and chilled after watching everyone else go through it yet somehow telling yourself you’ll be spared. I shouldn’t have been surprised, really, as the slump […]

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A backwater town (if only there was water) nestled in base of a mountain valley, in a county called Mineral County, with a 2010 census of 410 people (up from 2000, when the town had a mere 374 people living in 152 households) is host to a bookstore proclaiming “100,000 Used Books.”   So off […]

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