
Archive for the ‘Authors/Quotes’ Category

Not too long ago – in the time of my youth, let’s say – zombies, vampires and werewolves only rarely populated popular fiction. Each offered a slightly different variant for errant unconscious sexual and aggressive fantasies. Flash forward a few mere decades and the undead are a cultural phenomenon.

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The sixth grade Language Arts curriculum at my son’s school requires students to write a memoir. At age 11, there are only so many significant, story-worthy events these kids have experienced.

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“A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.” Graham Greene, The End of the Affair (1951)   Greene starts his story a year and a half after an affair has ended, when the primary remaining emotion tying the […]

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Today was the annual Young Authors event at my son’s school. Students have been working for weeks to write and illustrate something worthy to be shared across all grades, kindergarten through fifth. Works are then bound, with title pages and back pages, and many include a Dedication and an About the Author blurb on the […]

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I am staying a little budget hotel in the middle of Montana, in a hotel that is sold out because it’s graduation day at the University. We’re among the throngs that will be in the audience later today cheering on the accomplishments of the next generation of movers and shakers. I woke up this morning […]

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