
Archive for the ‘Authors/Quotes’ Category

“Your fly is open,” the tall, beautiful, regal-necked lesbian poet whispered in my ear as she ascended the stage. I’d just drawn her name from the cup. The podium – and my crotch, apparently – had been precisely in her front-row-center line of sight.   Performance interruptus.  

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Ten Rules

This morning’s air was damp and uncharacteristically heavy, its scent overripe and wormy after last night’s brief summer storm and lingering showers. A Midwestern rain transported somehow out of its rightful time zone, bringing a thunderstorm and lightning that only mutedly lit up the sky, daytime lightning the mild-speaking, apologetic stepsister to her spiteful nighttime […]

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I recently picked up a book of essays about seven pleasures that lead to “ordinary happiness.” Not bliss, just ordinary happiness. I tend to think I experience all kinds of ordinary happiness, as well as occasional bliss, so I don’t usually read how-to-get-happy books. When I perused the table of contents, I knew without a […]

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The holiday season is here. I am blessed with living parents, happiness and health under my own roof. Tonight I will fry potato pancakes, we will light candles, and usher in the 5th night of Hanukkah. My son will open a small present that may or may not disappoint him; Chanukah, after all, is not […]

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Here’s the way today’s piece went:   I had a great idea. A perfect quote. I was mulling it around for a few days, rolling it under my tongue like hard candy. The source was high brow enough (a 100+-year-old well-respected essay on cultural relativism and the inevitability that otherness is met with criticism and […]

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