
Archive for the ‘Authors/Quotes’ Category

The first one shone, newly minted, against the black asphalt, just beyond my back tire at the gas station. I picked it up, not wishing to jinx good luck. I turned it over, and sure enough, it was imprinted with 2014. I’m not sure how early in a new year new coins are released, and […]

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I know only two things about my friend’s most attentive, best lover: his name, and the wistful urgency in my friend’s nostalgia, the way her eyes grew wide and sparkled at the chance to say his name out loud, to call up memories of her time with him, more than two decades ago.  

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Death has been playing with my Dad, toying with him like a sated cat who must keep the mouse alive until he’s hungry again.  

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I don’t mean to dis Jesus, as I get that He did some mighty amazing things while still a man, but as far as I know, it was not His idea to dust chocolate truffles with sea salt. He may have thought about it, having been baptized in the River Jordan, oh-so-close to the Dead […]

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Under the watchful eyes of Wally Lamb, Delores Price came undone. She had good reason – parental abandonment, accidental death, rape, obesity, romantic obsession, suicide attempts, and institutionalization, just to name a few. Events and circumstances that loom so large, so painful, so life-altering that it seems likely that no one could come through without […]

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