
Archive for the ‘The Arts’ Category

I am large, I contain multitudes. -Walt Whitman, Song of Myself But here’s the thing, Walt. Sometimes I’m tired of my multitudes. -Maggie Smith, You Could Make This Place Beautiful

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So surprised are we at every change in the “world we know,” we fall for it every time:

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Speak, so that I may see you. ― Socrates Wet hands on red clay, folding, molding it into the Creator’s image. Cheekbones smoothed by thumbs, eye sockets scooped out by moistened fingers, orbs tenderly placed within

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“Please come to Boston” in my head, lyric of longing, lives divided, yearning to leave meets the gravitational pull of home,

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Future Fossil Inspired by Clarissa Tossin: to take root among the stars, Oct 7, 2023 – Jan 7, 2024. Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, USA. Forged elements, layered through weathering all that will disintegrate, decompose the last desolate act that leaves me empty, bones converted to core sample.

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