
Archive for the ‘The Soul’ Category

When there’s no logic, that’s when you know you’re in someone else’s dream -adrienne maree brown  Too often, I flew alone, other times side by side, or trailing behind, trying to keep up. Two points can never form anything complex, rounded.

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-in memoriam for the more than 1300 Israelis murdered by Hamas militants this week and –in honor of the courage of the remaining Hamas hostages Captors cover my eyes, disorient dismember one by one, leave open my ears to vibrations of panic and despair. I percuss the beat of the wish for death, frantic shallow […]

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La oscuridad de la madrugada exige a la tristeza una dosis exactamente igual que la de ayer y de cada maƱana antes desde que dimos un nombre a las horas interminables y supimos que somos las personas invisibles nadie puede distinguir la cara del viento el cabello del cielo nocturnal el negro en el ojo […]

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I. All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town.  – Leo Tolstoy The first time I left home I was too young to make it out.

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I am weary of those who trod and plod shuffle or flip-flop slap concrete squares and black top oval tracks white arrows conducting wheels to one side feet to another.

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