
Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

The first one shone, newly minted, against the black asphalt, just beyond my back tire at the gas station. I picked it up, not wishing to jinx good luck. I turned it over, and sure enough, it was imprinted with 2014. I’m not sure how early in a new year new coins are released, and […]

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I   I wonder about the conversations between Adam and Eve. Adam didn’t exactly come home after a long day and tell Eve all about the petty little aggressions at work. Eve didn’t meet Adam at the garden’s gate with stories of how the kids got on her nerves; she conceived her first child after […]

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I forget that the reason to go somewhere is not because I know what the event will be like, not because I know in advance the kind of conversation I’ll have with friends. The reason to drag my sometimes depleted self out into the world is because that’s the only place to find angels with […]

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The wind wrestles rain from the leaves Dropping them audibly, distinctly, on my skin, hair, glasses, toes. No one can identify the onset of wind.

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Even those who haven’t read their Bible in a very long time, or ever, know that the Old and New Testament hold stories of messages and warnings, migration and settlement, pleasing and displeasing (God as well as other people), sacrifice and punishment. From Abraham, asked to sacrifice his long-awaited and beloved son, to Jesus, the […]

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