
Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

Two years ago today, you died, Dad.   You missed the Alaska cruise, the week in London, two weddings, one at the exquisitely chic Sonoma winery, where you would have made that face you made whenever you succumbed to pressure to taste a great red wine, which never delivered anything close to the two-packet Sweet-n-Low […]

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As it always has, temptation came from the lure of the fruit and the urge of the Serpent.  

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The white stone-washed walls are light-stained – seafoam and periwinkle at this hour. My mind goes back and forth My eyes move from every soft and shadowed and curved surface to the stark brown wooden crucifix. In this place of peace this chapel of luminosity this hushed contemplation I am impaled by the icon most […]

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Inspired by Yehuda Amichai (2000),Open closed open. Translated by Chana Bloch & Chana Kronfeld My life is the gardener of my body. The brain – a hothouse closed tight

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When a Jewish parent dies, the surviving adult child is obligated to recite the Kaddish, the Mourner’s Prayer that never mentions death, twice a day for 11 months. Prayer books print three versions: the Hebrew, the transliteration of the Hebrew, and a translation into the reader’s primary language, such as English or Spanish.   Yitgadal […]

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