
Archive for the ‘Spirituality’ Category

When there’s no logic, that’s when you know you’re in someone else’s dream -adrienne maree brown  Too often, I flew alone, other times side by side, or trailing behind, trying to keep up. Two points can never form anything complex, rounded.

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Shadow placed at my feet like a cat’s gift.

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Speak, so that I may see you. ― Socrates Wet hands on red clay, folding, molding it into the Creator’s image. Cheekbones smoothed by thumbs, eye sockets scooped out by moistened fingers, orbs tenderly placed within

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The expansive bowed head of the weeping willow obscured the street, illusion of isolation inked permanent. Unobstructed, its water-seeking roots could not reach pipes or property lines.

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From the hollow where there should be mother/father/lover/song/child/pet/friend/book/nature all the names for God I unexpectedly wretched.

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