
Archive for the ‘Shopping’ Category

I see your car in the driveway of the austere box of a house with concrete walls and huge windows – the house I imagined we could live in if we didn’t mind being on display.

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Storefronts around my office are closing. The Italian restaurant that hosted local opera singers has been closed for a couple of years, and I still lament that we can no longer suggest it to friends as the perfect spot to clinch a young romance. The funky furniture shop nearby closed not long after. A fabulous […]

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We are living in a time of ultimate personal and household revolution. We used to be able to go to the pharmacy, drugstore, grocery store, purchase our items, and have them placed in bags for us. We’d carry those bags to our fossil-fuel-depleting cars, bring our over-abundance of consumer demand products into our climate-controlled homes, […]

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It’s 7:00 am, and I’m at the market. The bread I want didn’t come in. So I buy the extra meat, the parsley for garnish, two fancy holiday style cheeses (one with cranberries, one called tintern, which I’ve never heard of), overly expensive crackers. And creamer for tomorrow’s coffee.   By 7:20 I’m at the […]

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Organic blueberries, just $1.99 a pint. A full flat for $16.99. For just one day. Imagine the number of people – a whole city’s worth – eating blueberries on the same day. I could walk in to just about any household, up and down the street, and there I’d find someone in the kitchen with […]

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