
Archive for the ‘Sexuality’ Category

Storefronts around my office are closing. The Italian restaurant that hosted local opera singers has been closed for a couple of years, and I still lament that we can no longer suggest it to friends as the perfect spot to clinch a young romance. The funky furniture shop nearby closed not long after. A fabulous […]

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A few months ago, my son attended a two-part lecture for dads and sons about puberty. A funny yet informative lecture allowing giggles and laughter to smooth over plain old-fashioned information that normalizes puberty and soaks into the boys’ psyches. By the mere fact of attending, each young boy has been surreptitiously exposed to an […]

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Not too long ago – in the time of my youth, let’s say – zombies, vampires and werewolves only rarely populated popular fiction. Each offered a slightly different variant for errant unconscious sexual and aggressive fantasies. Flash forward a few mere decades and the undead are a cultural phenomenon.

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