
Archive for the ‘Romance’ Category

A favorite James Taylor song reminds me of an old friend. If I count the years since we were students, the time spent with a whole country between us, the numbers surpass two decades. He’s a brilliant man, a good husband, devoted father, loyal friend; he’s handsome, intelligent, funny, the perfect combination of strong masculinity […]

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I’m still thinking about poetry, poems, and, of course, me. I began re-reading some old favorites, just to see what would happen. And it happened – they invited me to leave the literal, and I followed.

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A friend told me she made an old recipe recently: Betty Crocker’s “Bonnie Butter Cake.” As there was no actual person named Betty Crocker, perhaps she never had a friend named Bonnie for whom this yellow cake is named.   I hadn’t thought of that cake for years – ok, maybe decades – but just its […]

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I finished the book this morning – I couldn’t stay up long enough to finish it in one night. I still didn’t remember anything about it while I read it, even as I reread the exact passage I’d saved for my own posterity.

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