
Archive for the ‘Romance’ Category


A hummingbird of a girl – iridescent and flittering fueled by youth and hope and that which buzzes alive in those lucky enough to fly dive hover dart in search of the 1000 flowers’ nectar to be lapped up in a day.

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Desert morning sunrise poured through the skylight emblazoning the ivory disarray – pillows, sheets, blankets, limbs – long before one of the peaceful sleepers hoped to wake.   The poet sleeps more lightly than the storyteller.

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Inches apart the right side of your right arm rubbed my left.  

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This is Not Poetry

Romance begins with anticipation, ripens with limited time, stolen moments, languid looks broken by shyness, making us turn away before hungrily returning. Poetry, too, requires mere snippets of time and space.  

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I.     Lying in wait.   On the savannah, on the plain, in desert sands and next to humid river beds, the predator lies in wait. Something has given off its scent, awakened its hunger. Fully awake now, the lion follows the scent, alerted to the herd’s presence. He watches, determines which of the […]

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