
Archive for the ‘Reminiscences’ Category

The other day I was watching some home movies. If I stop my tale here, I’m likely to evoke the typical heart-warming experience: family members gathered around to re-create their shared past. The laughter at seeing old styles of clothes, hairdos, eyeglasses; the deep welcoming of the old/wildly young version of ourselves and our loved […]

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I’m on a weekend snow trip, which, for those who know me, is a strange thing to hear from me. Having grown up with snow, then choosing to leave it, I am not usually one who seeks out how to return to it.

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A friend told me she made an old recipe recently: Betty Crocker’s “Bonnie Butter Cake.” As there was no actual person named Betty Crocker, perhaps she never had a friend named Bonnie for whom this yellow cake is named.   I hadn’t thought of that cake for years – ok, maybe decades – but just its […]

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The first time my son ventured onto concrete on his bike – after a long, arduous process of coaxing, cajoling, bribing, yelling – these from the adults – and whining and defiant refusal from him – he started to get it. He wobbled, straightened, wobbled, went so fast I had to let go of his […]

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I came across these pictures, taken by my son when he was 3 or 4. They represent his world view, his valuables, what made sense to him and what was available to him to take in visually. They are of terrible quality, no production value whatsoever. But I can recall the feel of being in […]

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