
Archive for the ‘Reminiscences’ Category

If Prince William asks for a groom’s cake to be made from the McVitie’s company, perhaps the little Digestive biscuits I’ve been eating for 20+ years aren’t something to sneer at.  

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The other night I was waxing nostalgic about lemon meringue pies. I had made some cookies and for the first time used lemon curd as a filling rather than jam, and the flavor sent me right back to family road trips for lemon meringue pie. Fried perch and then lemon meringue pie, to be exact. […]

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Asked to write in verse To make long thoughts terse Prose is my genre now Literary essays of how . . . How I imagine How I hope How I dream How I regret How I see within and among and between the lines (to be exact). I’m afraid of poetry, turns out. Early efforts […]

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Last week, on my short morning commute, the radio announcer reminded all in his listening domain that it was the 10-year anniversary of a large earthquake that had hit this area. Ten years – really? Well, yes, according to very simple math, it has been ten years since February 28, 2001. But the math and […]

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I was back in my son’s classroom, in an after-school effort to help the kids build Tikis as part of their study of Easter Island. His school has an amazing program where the whole school studies one continent a year, each classroom focusing on one country. This culminates in giant classroom projects, a school-wide evening […]

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